Computer Use and Internet Access Policy

Franklin Public Library offers computers for public use and access to the Internet for information and educational purposes. Computer workstations also provide access to a variety of electronic resources, including databases, the Library catalog, and periodical indexes. Although the Internet provides access to diverse resources from many countries and cultures that may not be found in our library collection, it is also unregulated. The library has no control over information, images, and commentary available through the Internet and is not responsible for the accuracy, authority, or timeliness of the content.

Franklin public library reminds users that people of all ages and backgrounds share public computers. Internet users must be considerate and respectful of other library users, and especially mindful of children in the Library.

User Responsibilities:

It is not acceptable to use the Internet at Library computers for illegal or abusive purposes, including, but not limited to:

  • Unauthorized copying of copyright protected materials in any format.
  • Transmission of chain letters, broadcast letters, or any form of junk mail.
  • Transmission of threatening, obscene, or harassing materials.
  • Transmission of computer viruses.
  • Viewing Web sites that display pornography.
  • Damaging or altering computer configuration.

Each user is allowed a maximum of 2 hours each day.  A session may be extended if there is no one waiting to use a computer.

Violation of any of these policies may result in the loss of computer use privileges.