Recreation Advisory Board

Recreation Advisory Board

The Recreation Advisory Board’s purpose is to assist other town agencies in meeting the recreational needs of the community.  The Board works closely with the Director of Recreation, the Town Administrator, the Department of Public Works Grounds Division, and the Athletic Director.  The Recreation Advisory Board also advises the Town Administrator, Finance Committee, and Town Council regarding the expenditure of monies from the Fletcher Fund.  The Recreation Advisory Board meets monthly to discuss issues pertaining to youth recreation, development of additional playing fields, field dedications, and spring/fall field allocations.

During the past year, the Recreation Advisory Board worked on the following:

  1. Advised Public Works regarding Fletcher Fund expenditures
  2. Completed the conflict of interest law examination and submitted to Town Clerk.
  3. Reviewed and commented on the Open Space and Recreation Plan.
  4. On-going discussions with Public Works on our successful trash and recycling program for public facilities.
  5. Reviewed and accepted all field permit applications with assistance from Director of Recreation.
  6. Monitor capital projects at King Street Memorial Park
  7. Advised Director of Recreation on park improvements and capital projects

Goals of the Recreation Advisory Board

  • Development of multi-purpose facilities in various locations of town.
  • Continued partnership with the Department of Public Works Grounds and Maintenance Division, and their efforts to maintain all town and school fields.
  • Bring all recreational facilities into compliance with Americans with Disabilities Act, making facilities accessible to all users.

Members of the Recreation Advisory Board are:  Chairman; Wayne Simarrian, Larry Pollard, Mark Eccher, Kinjal Patel, and Robert Dellorco. 

Ex-officio members include:  Jeff Boudreau, FYBO, Bjorn Dragsbaek, FYSA, A.J. Grant Pop Warner Football, Mike Torrey, Franklin Girls Softball, Pete Davis, Franklin Boys Lacrosse, and Tom Angelo, FHS Athletics.


Respectfully submitted,

Wayne R. Simarrian
