March 2021 VIRTUAL Coffee Social

All Veterans are Welcome!

Hello Veterans!

March arrives next week and it’s anyone’s guess if it will “come in like a lion and go out like a lamb.” With the unpredictability of the weather these days, we’ll just have to wait and see.

Did you know that in March we observe several significant U.S. military dates that honor our veterans and those currently serving?

March 3 - Navy Reserves Birthday

March 4 - National Hug a GI Day (GI no longer refers to just those who serve in the Army.)

March 5 - Navy Seebee Birthday

March 15 - American Legion Birthday

March 25 - National Medal of Honor Day

March 29 - Vietnam Veterans Day or Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day 

In addition to observing the Navy Reserves 106th Birthday on March 3, we will be hosting our 11th monthly VIRTUAL Coffee Social that day! We look forward to the day when we are all vaccinated and the Senior Center reopens so we can resume our in-person Socials. In the meantime…

Please join us via Zoom on Wednesday, March 3 at 10:00 hours for conversation and updates. As always, all veterans are welcome so feel free to pass this invitation along to others who may not be on our email list.

If you have not participated in a Zoom call yet, you’ll need to download the Zoom app on your device before joining us.

Here is the log-in information for the March 3, 2021 meeting only:

Join Zoom via URL:

Call in number: 1-929-205-6099

Enter Meeting ID: 865 9282 6849 then Press #

For more information, contact the Veterans’ Services Office at: (508) 613-1315.

We look forward to connecting with you at the March VIRTUAL Coffee Social!