2023 Open Space and Recreation Plan First Public Hearing TONIGHT

The first Open Space and Recreation Plan (OSRP) public hearing is tonight, February 21, from 6-8p in the Council Chambers, second floor of the Municipal Building (355 East Central Street). Residents are encouraged to attend to hear an overview of the 2023 OSRP Update process; an overview of our current Open Space and Recreation areas; an overview of the previous 2016 OSRP Goals; and to discuss our successes, ongoing efforts, and missed opportunities. An Agenda for the public hearing can be found here.  

In an effort to ensure citizen engagement and due to the concerns regarding the COVID-19 virus, this Open Space and Recreation Plan Public Hearing is available to be attended in person and via the ZOOM platform. Citizens will be able to dial into the meeting by calling 929-205-6099, meeting number is 819 0246 6050 (Cell phone or Landline Required) OR citizens can participate by copying or clicking the link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81902466050 (Phone, Computer, or Tablet required). If you are having trouble accessing through the link, please call on your phone and use *6 to toggle between mute/unmute and *9 to raise your hand. The public hearing can also be accessed remotely on the Franklin TV All-Access channel (Channel 8 Comcast/Channel 26 Verizon). For residents that do not have cable, the public hearings can be accessed live on the Franklin TV All-Access YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/@franklinmaall-accesstv7535

Can't wait to see you there!