DPW Notice - Water Conservation Measures Now in Effect

DPW Notice - Water Conservation Measures Now in Effect

In accordance with the Town’s Water Management Act Permit issued by the State, the following Water Conservation Measures are in effect as of Monday, June 5th, 2023.

  • No automatic lawn watering between the hours of 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
  • There is no Holiday delay for watering.
  • Hand watering is permitted anytime.

Conservation measures are needed to limit the daily demand on the water system in order to ensure that adequate water is available to meet the public health and safety needs of the Town. This measure is necessary to maintain the water levels in the tanks for fire protection and normal consumption. During the summer months, the Town experiences excessively high demands for water due to lawn watering. There have been 24- hour periods during which water consumption has been more than twice our average daily water usage for the year. Because of the tremendous increase in the demand for water and State restrictions on the amount of water that can be pumped daily, the Town of Franklin must place mandatory water conservation measures in effect for lawn watering during the summer months. A total of 1-inch of water once per week from rain and watering promotes the healthiest lawns.

Conservation measures will stay in effect until the second Monday in September (September 11, 2023) unless a drought condition is present.
Non-compliance with these regulations could adversely affect public health and safety. Violators are subject to fines up to $200.

For additional information, visit the DPW website at www.franklinma.gov/public-works. Any questions should be directed to the Department of Public Works at 508-520-4910.