Little Listeners: An Exploration of Sound for Children

Event Date: 
Saturday, March 4, 2023 - 10:00am to 12:30pm


Little Listeners is a sound installation project designed to inspire children to embrace cultural diversity and inclusion through an interactive acoustic experience. Children of all ages are welcome. The installation is free and open to the public.

Little Listeners features three portable speakers with instruction cards that will be placed at our exhibit space where children can listen to curated audio content. These kid-friendly speakers, without a touch screen, allow children to focus solely on the sound, creating a rich and engaging listening experience. Through active listening, children will be able to experience and embrace different cultures from around the world.

The audio content of Little Listeners may include soundscapes, musical recordings in various languages, field recordings of children's activities, and excerpts of children's radio programs.

This event is organized by Franklin Area Moms and funded by the Franklin Cultural Council.